The Hamad Medical Corporation’s Hereditary Cancer and High-Risk Screening Clinic has carried out genetic assessments on over 2,000 people, resulting in decreased cancer risk, early detection, and targeted treatment since the establishment of the clinic in 2013.
Dr Salha Bujassoum, senior consultant, Haematology and Oncology, and director of the Hereditary and High-risk Screening programme said in 2017, a total of 800 individuals were referred to the clinic for evaluation associated with their risk of hereditary cancer.
The genetic counselling and testing service, which is part of the Hereditary and High-Risk Screening Clinic at the National Centre for Cancer Care and Research (NCCCR), provides a comprehensive genetic risk assessment for patients who are concerned about their hereditary cancer risk because of a personal and/or family history.
The multidisciplinary clinic aims to identify patients at high risk of developing cancer due to young-onset diagnosis, a strong family history, or a positive genetic test result. Staff at the clinic provide targeted therapies, including prophylactic surgery and chemoprevention and work with patients to incorporate prevention strategies into their life that can help reduce their cancer risk.
According to Dr Bujassoum, while cancer is a common disease, some individuals are at a greater risk of developing it due to inherited gene faults. She says inherited gene faults are responsible for around 5 to 10% of all cancers.
“Greater awareness of the role genetics can play in causing certain cancers, as well as increased knowledge of the screening tools available at HMC, has led to more patients requesting genetic counselling and testing,” said Dr Bujassoum.
Genetic testing examines a patient’s DNA for gene faults. According to Dr Bujassoum, genetic testing for cancer is typically recommended for individuals who are diagnosed with the disease at a very young age and for individuals who have a strong family history of cancer, such as individuals who have multiple cases of cancer in their family.
Currently, genetic testing is available to screen for gene faults that increase an individual’s risk of breast, bowel, ovarian, womb, and prostate cancers. Dr Bujassoum said these tests can only be ordered by a board-certified genetic counsellor.
“Part of our job involves helping patients make appropriate and informed choices to reduce their risk of developing cancer, or in the case of patients who are in the early stages of the disease’s progression, to reduce the risk of a recurrence, or to help control the disease in the case of advanced progression.”
Dr Reem Jawad al-Sulaiman, an American Board Certified Genetic Counsellor at NCCCR, said the genetic counselling and testing service uses a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach. A team of specialists works together to help patients understand their cancer risk as part of a comprehensive cancer risk assessment.
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