A new batch of licensed Qatari real estate brokers took the legal oath on Tuesday before the Real Estate Brokers Affairs Committee at the Ministry of Justice. The batch of 34 brokers included individuals and real estate brokerage companies, taking the number of licensed brokers since the new law entered into force to 289 who are registered with the Real Estate Brokerage Department.
The licensing of this batch, since the start of the Ministry of Justice to activate Law No 22 of 2017 to regulate real estate brokerage work, comes within the framework of the implementation procedures of the provisions of the law, and pushing the real estate brokerage business towards an organised legal environment prepared to keep pace with the economic and urban renaissance witnessed by the country and the great expansion in the real estate sector, including re-configuring and organising the real estate system to achieve the goals of Qatar National Vision 2030.
This step comes within the framework of the Ministry of Justice's efforts to reorganise the real estate brokerage profession, and to work in accordance with the provisions of Law No 22 of 2017 to regulate real estate brokerage work to serve the national economy, develop working mechanisms in the real estate market, and qualify brokers including the owners of offices and Qatari brokers. The ministry stresses the need to deal with real estate brokers licensed by the ministry, in order to avoid legal violations resulting from carrying out brokerage work without a licence.
The licence for this batch came after completing the regulatory procedures specified in accordance with the provisions of the law, which include interviewing applicants for the profession, inspecting their offices, ensuring that they comply with the requirements of practicing the profession, and participating in specialised training courses at the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies.
The Real Estate Brokers Affairs Committee undertakes the reception and sorting of requests and organises the required training courses in coordination with the Training Department of the Legal and Judicial Studies Centre, in order to ensure that the applicant meets all the professional and legal requirements to perform his role in this sector.
Within the framework of its plan to train and qualify real estate brokers, the Real Estate Brokerage Department started implementing an integrated plan that includes training and qualification, activating the executive procedures of the law, including organising visits to the offices working in the sector and nominating applicants to practice the profession for training courses that are subject to licensing controls. 
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