Qatar, represented by the Ministry of Social Development and Family, is participating in the activities of the 6th Gulf Theatre Festival for people with disabilities, which will be held in Riyadh in conjunction with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities from Dec. 3 to 9.
The festival aims to enhance the participation of people with disabilities in events and their integration into society, enhance their confidence in their abilities and help them highlight their talents in the theatrical field. In addition, it is an opportunity for them to present their issues in their own way, within the framework of artistic work and to show their abilities to give and produce, as they have enormous creative energies.
The 6th festival is witnessing the Qatari theatrical show "From the Chair to the Top" directed by Ibrahim Lari, with the participation of a number of actors of persons with disabilities from Qatar.
Theatre is one of the important cultural platforms available to people with disabilities, to express their issues, aspirations, dreams and concerns, and it has cultural, educational, psychological and social importance in serving them, in addition to the entertainment value as well.
The Ministry of Social Development and Family is keen to participate periodically in this festival, believing in the importance of theatre as one of the cultural and artistic means to integrate people with disabilities into society, enhance the positive energies and capabilities inherent in this group and use theatre to explode their creative energies.
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