Qatar Civil Aviation Authority (QCAA) marks the International Civil Aviation Day amid high momentum and record numbers in air traffic movements, coinciding with the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, where air traffic has exceeded 15,000 movements since the kick off of the tournament.
The aviation sector in Qatar was able to make quality leaps and high rates in the areas of aviation safety and security, to score 91.16 percent in the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) audit of air safety standards, 100 percent in applying the security standards of Annex 9 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation on Facilities and 94.5 percent in applying the standards of Annex 17 related to civil aviation security (the most important criterion in the field of security audit), while achieving 96.7 percent in the implementation of vital elements related to aviation security.
QCAA announced that Qatar has signed 174 air transport agreements, the most important of which is the comprehensive air transport agreement with the European Union.
As of Tuesday Dec 6, a total of 15,100 air traffic movements were recorded since the kick off of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, according to the daily statistics published by the Ministry of Transport on its Twitter handle.