HE Secretary-General of the Doha-based Arab Network for National Human Rights Institutions (ANNHRI) Sultan bin Hassan al-Jamali has stressed the need to advocate for human rights issues in general, and the cause of the Palestinian Arab people in particular, and work to support them in order to end the injustice and racial persecution they faced by the Israeli occupation, QNA reported from Cairo.
He also called for opposing colonial ideas and racial discrimination, through which immorality rules the world, enslaving people by new and innovative methods and tools.
This came in a speech he delivered during the "Mohamed Fayek III" foundational training course on the human rights system, and the establishment of national human rights institutions and their roles, organised by ANNHRI in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, which lasted for three days. The training course introduced new members in national institutions in the international human rights system, to the basic principles and concepts of human rights, their origins and developments, as well as to international human rights law, in addition to contractual and non-contractual human rights mechanisms, and other related topics.
Al-Jamali stressed ANNHRI's message of protecting human dignity, which was also the message and concern of Mohamed Fayek, after whom the course is named, during his human rights career.
In his speech, al-Jamali said this supreme message is the reason behind all of the network's efforts to combat violations, and to promote and protect rights, noting that no form of enslavement can be accepted, and that ANNHRI will spare no effort in defending human dignity and in enhancing the self-worth and pride of individuals.
He said that it is imperative to organise and frame the Arab Network's adoption of the cause of the Palestinian people, and praised the Arab populations' position on the issue of their brethren in Palestine, their stance against Israeli occupation, in addition to the global support for the Palestinian cause, which was evident during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022.
Al-Jamali stressed that international popular support for the Palestinian cause indicates that the world is on the right path, and that people who do not despair of claiming what is theirs, will find someone to support them.
Vice-President of the Egyptian National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) Ambassador Mahmoud Karem said the decision to organise an annual session bearing the name of Minister Mohamed Fayek is in appreciation for his efforts in the service of human rights. He added that the international community relies on national human rights institutions (NHRIs) and civil society organisations to urge states to promote and protect human rights in their countries, through their interaction and co-operation with international human rights mechanisms, and to encourage them to implement and follow the recommendations of contractual and non-contractual mechanisms.
He called for the need to increase training courses for cadres working in various agencies concerned with protecting and promoting the culture of human rights, in accordance with the latest studies and practices, and based on international conventions and mechanisms.
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