Qatar’s historic and exceptional FIFA World Cup owed much of its success to one of the tournament’s biggest teams: the volunteers. Made up of more than 150 nationalities, 20,000 volunteers supported the delivery of the event across 25 locations, including eight state-of-the-art stadiums, hotels, airports, the Doha Corniche, FIFA Fan Festival and more.
The story of Indian expatriate Tania Riyas, assigned with FIFA VIP guest operations duty at Katara Towers Lusail, is an excellent example to illustrate the dedication and commitment of the volunteers. While on duty on December 4, Tania, who was eight-months pregnant, had a medical emergency due to high blood pressure and got admitted at a Hamad Medical Corporation hospital.
The very next day doctors advised her to go for a cesarean section and Tania gave birth to a boy, Hadid Yasin Riyas. Though her baby was in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, she was keen to return to the volunteer assignment. Out of sheer willpower and determination, Tania resumed her duty immediately on being discharged on December 8, while abiding by the feeding breaks for the baby.
Tania's enthusiasm and unwavering dedication to her World Cup responsibilities won tremendous appreciation from her superiors who gifted her many souvenirs. "It is my passion to be socially responsible," stated the outstanding volunteer, full of gratitude for her husband Muhammed Riyas who worked as a legal brand protection officer at FIFA Fan Festival and daughters Ishika Zainab Riyas and Inshira Mariam Riyas.
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