At 60, Doha Municipality key contributor to nation's success
HE the Minister of Municipality Dr Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Turki al-Subaie recounts Doha Municipality's long history of local, regional and international achievements since it was founded in 1963
HE the Minister of Municipality Dr Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Turki al-Subaie highlighted Doha Municipality's long history of multi-field local, regional and international achievements since it was founded in 1963 under the name Qatar Municipality. In a speech marking the 60th anniversary of its establishment, he said that this occasion serves as a motive for the municipality and all its employees to continue work and redouble joint efforts with all governmental and non-governmental sectors in order to ensure the upgrading and improvement of the diverse municipal services system and the promotion of urban development.The city of Doha has been over the past years and since its inception an important destination for hosting many local, regional and international activities as it hosts the headquarters of the Arab Towns Award Foundation, which is one of the institutions of the Arab Towns Organisation since the establishment of the award in 1983, he added. Doha was chosen to be the capital of culture in the Islamic world for the year 2021, due to its ancient history and legacy, HE Dr al-Subaie said.Doha's pivotal role granted it the Unesco Global Network of Learning Cities membership by the Unesco Institute for Lifelong Learning, which strengthened its international role as a city that supports learning and its goals, he added.Doha was also named by the World Health Organisation as a healthy city, among Qatar's eight cities, making Qatar the first in the Middle East whose all cities are named healthy cities, HE Dr al-Subaie added, highlighting the city's vital landmarks and economic and cultural facilities, as well as other strategic projects. He thanked all the directors and officials of the Doha municipality who have managed it since its establishment, and who had great contributions to the development and prosperity of the city and what it has reached at the present time.Director of Doha Municipality Mansour Ajran al-Buainain stressed in his speech on this occasion the endeavour to develop the municipal work system, develop monitoring and inspection mechanisms, improve the level of municipal services delivery, expand the use of modern technologies, encourage creative initiatives and continue to develop community partnership, in accordance with the Qatar National Vision 2030. He added that the Doha municipality aims to develop a mechanism for monitoring and inspection of vital sites to monitor and correct violations related to the public hygiene law and infringements on state property and other municipal laws, as well as to intensify inspection campaigns on food establishments to ensure safe and sound food for all consumers.He highlighted the distinguished role of all associates of Doha Municipality and their continuous efforts to achieve the strategy of the Ministry of Municipality, which aims to improve municipal work. Doha Municipality celebrates the 60th anniversary of its establishment as the oldest municipality in Qatar, according to Law No 11 of 1963 organising Qatar Municipality, amended by Law No 15 of 1963, which included changing the name of Qatar Municipality to Doha Municipality. Since its inception, the Doha Municipality has made many achievements, taking into account the facilitation and speedy completion of transactions in everything related to municipal services, through organised scientific planning, and supported those plans and programmes with the necessary legislation and laws to preserve those gains.