MES Indian School celebrated Grandparents’ Day recently to honour grandparents, who are acclaimed as the voices of the past and the door to the future, great storytellers and the composers of lullabies.
The programme began with a welcome dance by the students of the Junior Section. Principal Dr Hameeda Kadar expressed gratitude to all the grandparents for guiding the young generation with an abundance of love and affection. She emphasised the strong bond between grandparents and grandchildren.
The Junior Choir presented a song. The day’s programme included ‘Selfies with Grandparents’, a video presentation dedicated to grandparents followed by a bunch of power-packed entertainment. ‘Anthakshari’, Musical Chair’, ‘Target shot’, ‘Pin the Oryx Tail’, and ‘Bouncing challenge’ were the special segments arranged which grandparents and their grandchildren participated enthusiastically. The luckiest grandparent was chosen through a ‘Lucky Draw Contest’ and honoured with prizes.
Fayha Aysha welcomed the gathering. Saira Razim proposed a vote of thanks. School officials, students, parents and grandparents attended the programme. Fency Pathrose, Mufeeda and Navas co-ordinated the event.