ACS International School Doha has always prioritised the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) Education, specifically in lower years, with several events and partnerships throughout the year to encourage both students and their parents to participate and learn about the various fields, a statement said.
The school recently hosted a Texas A&M Science and Engineering roadshow with grades 2-5, built to excite the students about science, and with several STEAM nights open to students and parents to actively participate in experiments and activities to develop their fascination with the field, as well as create an active learning community, it was explained.
STEAM education is a vital component of any well-rounded education. The integration of these subjects in younger grades is particularly important as it provides students with a strong foundation for understanding the world around them and for developing the skills they will need to succeed in the future. Research has shown that students who receive a strong STEAM education in the early years of their education have better academic outcomes and are more likely to pursue careers in these fields.
"STEAM education is crucial for our lower school students because it not only teaches them the skills they need for the future, but it also helps them think creatively and critically, and encourages them to be curious about the world around them. It gives them the tools to be problem-solvers and innovators, and helps them see the connections between science, technology, engineering, art, and math in the real world," said Lisa Weatherhead, PYP Digital Learning/STEM Coach PYP Science Focus Lead.
A recent study by the National Science Board found that students who participate in hands-on STEAM activities in the early years of their education are more likely to have positive attitudes towards science and math and are more likely to pursue careers in STEAM fields. This highlights the importance of providing students with hands-on, experiential learning opportunities in these subjects in order to spark their interest and passion.
The integration of STEAM education in the early years of a child's education is essential for their overall development and future success. Research has shown that students who receive a strong STEAM education have better academic outcomes, positive attitudes towards science and math, and are more likely to pursue careers in these fields. By providing students with a strong foundation in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, we are helping to prepare them for the future and providing them with the skills they need to succeed in the world, the statement added.