Ooredoo – the region’s leading enabler of digital business innovation – has announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Qatar’s Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) to renew its support for accelerating the digital transformation of the latter until 2029.
In the presence of HE the Minister of Education and Higher Education, the MoU was signed by Ooredoo CEO Sheikh Ali bin Jabor al-Thani and MoEHE's Undersecretary HE Dr Ibrahim bin Saleh al-Nuaimi. Under the MoU, Ooredoo will continue to develop the MoEHE infrastructure, schools and kindergartens using SD-WAN data centre infrastructure technology.
The renewed collaboration is in line with Ooredoo’s efforts to support the development of a world-class education system, a key goal of Qatar National Vision 2030, and the vision of the MoEHE to achieve leadership in the provision of permanent innovative learning opportunities of the highest quality.
Sheikh Ali bin Jabor al-Thani, said: “We are delighted and proud to renew this partnership with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, via which we continue to support the education sector in Qatar as part of our corporate social responsibility strategy, and continue our commitment to achievement of Qatar National Vision 2030. Through this collaboration, we will continue to provide the Ministry with the latest highly secure technologies that help the adoption of innovative teaching models, teaching strategies and participatory learning, and enable the focus to remain on day-to-day operations to ensure students in Qatar are offered the highest quality education.”
With the MoEHE’s renewed reliance on Ooredoo’s advanced technologies, the Ministry’s IT teams will be able to manage networks via applications rather than servers, which provide better network monitoring and insights into how such networks are used by schools. IT staff will also be able to upgrade their automation, set-up, management and self-change, a statement added.
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