beIN MEDIA GROUP welcomes the ruling of The Court of Cassation in France which dismisses the IAAF related case against Nasser Al-Khelaifi and Yousef Al-Obaidly in its entirety.
Please find the following statement made by their Legal Counsel:
“We take note with satisfaction the ruling of the Court of Causation in France, which dismisses the IAAF-related procedure against Nasser Al-Khelaifi and Yousef Al-Obaidly in its entirety. For years, this case evidentially had zero standing and completely flawed merits.
Today the rule of law has prevailed, with the matter fully and finally closed with absolutely no case to answer,” said Francis Szpiner and Renaud Semerdjian, legal counsel on behalf of Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, and Jean-Didier Belot, legal counsel on behalf of Yousef Al-Obaidly.
This case revolved around a story which initially broke in 2014 and in which none of the facts have since changed. The case did not relate to Nasser Al-Khelaifi or Yousef Al-Obaidly. It related to much bigger allegations against the top executives of the IAAF, particularly former President Lamine Diack and his son Papa Massata Diack, in relation to matters as wide and varied as Rio 2016, Tokyo 2020 and anti-doping results. Various members of the Diack family have since been found guilty.
The investigations had nothing to do with the IAAF World Championships 2019 in Doha, and only partially related to the award of the IAAF World Championships 2017 in London.
The only element in the case that related to Nasser Al-Khelaifi and Yousef Al-Obaidly was completely false allegations around the commercial bid in 2011 by the corporate entity ‘Oryx’ for various commercial rights to the 2017 IAAF World Championships, which was ultimately won by London. The Court of Cassation in France has now court fully and finally dismissed the procedure in its entirety.
The dismissal follows two previous complete acquittals under Swiss legal administration of allegations against Nasser Al-Khelaifi.

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