The first-ever Paw Patrol Festival is set to take place at Place Vendome from March 2 to 18, featuring interactive and family-friendly activities, Qatar Tourism (QT) has announced."This interactive, action-packed festival is a first in Paw Patrol history, a fitting tribute to such a universally loved franchise and a banner addition to the back-to-back schedule of varied, family-friendly events we have planned throughout the country this year,” QT's marketing and planning head Sheikha Hessa al-Thani explained in a statement.The unique interactive ‘Pup-tacular’ event is organised by EventBox in partnership with QT and Nickelodeon. Families can enjoy the celebration of the globally loved Paw Patrol franchise, created by Spin Master Entertainment, in Doha.For the first time ever, this ‘Pup-tacular’ event combines all the best that Paw Patrol has to offer: stage shows, kids’ and family activities, meet and greet with the Pups, photo opportunities and much more, all under one roof.The festival will be held over a purpose-built 3,000 sq m space with three sessions daily on weekdays (3.15pm, 4.45pm and 6.15pm) and four sessions on weekends (Friday and Saturday extra session at 1.15pm).The hit animated preschool series, Paw Patrol, stars seven heroic rescue pups – Chase, Marshall, Rocky, Rubble, Zuma, Skye and Everest - who are led by a tech-savvy boy named Ryder. Together, they work hard to protect the Adventure Bay community believing no job is too big, no pup is too small. The series features a curriculum that focuses on citizenship, social skills and problem-solving.Swathes of interactive and educational games will be on offer for Pup-loving ticketholders. Be it learning the rules of road safety with Chase, helping Zuma to rescue animals, fighting the fire with Marshall, flying like Skye, recycling with Rocky or seeing your drawings come to life on a screen in the augmented reality (AR) colouring workshop, attendees will find plenty of engaging challenges and activities.There will also be various themed play areas, including the Pup Park for the little ones. Designed to replicate the park where the Paw Patrol Pups play in the series, the famous Lookout Tower will let kids live out their wildest imaginations by sliding down and embarking on their latest rescue mission.Little fans will have the opportunity to meet Paw Patrol’s Chase and Marshall after each show and take photos with some of the show’s most popular stars.Themed photo opportunities and features will be available throughout the venue for guests to grab the perfect picture to remember this fun experience, including an AR photo display, where a digital Pup will pop up onto the camera screen when pointed at a 3D ‘Paw Patrol’ sign.Festival-goers will have their pick of bites, from on-the-go snacks that can be picked up at snack carts, to refreshments that can be found at the themed, Porter’s Café, where seating is available.There’s even a shop where visitors can get the official Paw Patrol collection and a kids’ beauty salon, Katie’s Pet Parlour, for children to relax in Pup-tacular style.A mobile app for the event will be available to download at the event with features such as an interactive map, schedules, AR photo opportunities, AR treasure hunt game as well as coupons and other promotional materials.
February 19, 2023 | 11:16 PM