Qatar Horseback Archery Centre and Indonesian Horseback Archery Association (KPBI), held the Qatar-Indonesia Horseback Archery Friendship competition from February 19-21 at the Al Samira Riding School Equestrian Centre. This event is part of the co-operation between member countries of the World Horseback Archery Federation (WHAF) to strengthen bilateral cooperation during the Qatar-Indonesia Year of Culture 2023 program.
The Indonesian horseback archery team was represented by Yahya Ayyash, Arsa Wening, Arum Nazlus, Kharisma Zaky, Solahudin al-Ayubi and Shahla Syahada. Out of the three competition categories named Korea Track, Arabian Track, and Qabak Track, Yahya Ayyash managed to become the overall champion followed by Kharisma Zaky and Shahla Syahada.
A prestigious award "Alfares Trophy" which means “knight's trophy” was given by Qatar to Arsa Wening Arrosyad, a young cadre who become the inspiration for youth in horseback archery.
Ambassador Ridwan Hassan, while hosting the Indonesian Team at his residence, said: "Thank you for making Indonesia proud. You, young people have become Indonesian ambassadors. At the same time, this achievement also contributed in strengthening bilateral cooperation between the two countries, particularly in the Qatar-Indonesia Year of Culture 2023.”
Meanwhile, the Founder and Chair of the Qatar Horseback Archery Centre Fuad al-Mudhaka praised the Indonesian team. "As fellow WHAF member countries, we have a long-term collaboration with KPBI Indonesia to develop horseback archery in WHAF member countries,” he said.