The Regulatory Authority for Charitable Activities (RACA) is keen to continue achieving its goals through awareness programmes, capacity-building and distinguished initiatives that establish humanitarian work in accordance with best practices.In a statement, the authority said that it seeks to develop the 'Tamkeen' system through four main integrated and interactive dimensions -- networking, analysis, development, and consolidation -- to ensure increased efficiency and maximum impact."Networking" means strengthening partnerships, whether by continuing to activate them or concluding new partnerships with many local partners in various fields such as training, awareness and research, in addition to implementing joint activities with some other partners.With regard to "analysis", the focus is on studies and surveys by updating and developing a list of priority topics and issues, developing projects for some studies and starting implementation procedures, directing the energies of postgraduate students during practical training periods in the authority to prepare some policy papers and analyses, and organising a competition for the best scientific research.Through these studies, the authority aims at the transparency and integrity of the processes for identifying needs and providing humanitarian assistance, innovation and its role in improving the institutional performance of charitable and humanitarian organisations, and facing the difficulties and challenges of compliance and financial inclusion in the charity and humanitarian sector, and improving levels of adherence to international standards and best practices.With regard to "development", the authority seeks to raise awareness and develop skills through training courses and workshops, to protect the reputation of the sector, prevent violent extremism, measure strategic performance, leadership, social innovation, and the risks of tax evasion, this is in addition to organising the provision of educational content through the school curricula, periodic forums and regular awareness meetings.On the other hand, the "consolidation" aims to issue instructions, regulatory controls, and guides through specialised consultations in the areas of licensing and support, in addition to providing specialised consultations in the areas of risk and compliance, and in the areas of supervision and control in the authority (projects-financial transfers-financial analysis-inspection), and also conducting a semi-annual assessment survey on difficulties in complying with instructions, regulatory guides, and controls.RACA said that the 'Tamkeen' programme this year includes an increase in interest in studies and research and the start of launching some studies projects on priority topics in the sector.The programme also aims to provide more attention to specialised, technical and direct operational consultations, to enhance effective communication between the executive work team in the authority and the sector, and to further activate the existing local partnerships in addition to expanding the circle of partnerships and enhancing constructive co-operation.
February 26, 2023 | 10:30 PM