Trade relation between Qatar and India are seen to get a fillip with Hindustan Petroleum Corporation (HPCL) making a foray into the Gulf country with its lubricant range of products.
HPCL, a federal public sector enterprise, will initially focus on the marketing of automotive and industrial lubricants.
"The current period is one of the strongest in terms of trade and commercial relations between the two countries. Launching this business initiative is an important step in the development of bilateral co-operation," said Dr Deepak Mittal, Indian ambassador to Qatar, after launching the HPCL products in Qatar.
HPCL, one of the most renowned companies in India, has appointed Ali bin Nasser Al Misnad Transport and Trading, the flagship wing of ABN Corporation, as the exclusive distributor for the HPCL lubricant range of products in Qatar.
(Late) CK Menon, a prominent industrialist and philanthropist, is the founder of the ABN Group, which was established by Ali Bin Nasser Al Misnad. It is a large business group operating in Qatar, the UAE, Kuwait, India, Africa, and the UK.
At the function to mark the partnership and the launch, attended by prominent personalities of Qatar, HPCL unveiled its new project in collaboration with ABN Corporation.
JK Menon, chairman of ABN Corporation, said establishing the joint venture with HPCL comes as part of its efforts to promote business between Qatar and India.
"HPCL is ready to launch HPCL products in several countries in collaboration with ABN Corporation and to strengthen business and commercial activities," said HPCL Lubes Division executive director Sajay Kumar Aggarwal.

Dr Deepak Mittal, Indian ambassador to Qatar, along with officials of ABN Corporation and HPCL, launch HPCL products in Qatar.

Dr Deepak Mittal, Indian ambassador to Qatar, along with officials of ABN Corporation and HPCL, launch HPCL products in Qatar.

Dr Deepak Mittal, Indian ambassador to Qatar, along with officials of ABN Corporation and HPCL, launch HPCL products in Qatar.