The Secretary-General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Martin Chungong stressed the outstanding role played by the State of Qatar in assisting the least developed countries (LDCs), praising its hosting of the Fifth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5), which convenes Sunday in Doha and aims to set plans and programs to advance development in LDCs and bring together points of view.
Speaking to Qatar News Agency (QNA), Chungong pointed to the parliamentarians' role, whether at the level of implementing recommendations on the ground through enacting laws and legislation or through research and securing funding sources for implementing the agreed projects.
IPU Secretary-General said that the parliamentarians' meeting on Saturday must discuss the participation of parliaments in comprehensive development, which satisfies not only developed countries but also LDCs.
He added that the meeting would also discuss the contributions of different entities of the community, pointing out that the meeting includes many discussions on empowering women and youth.
Chungong added that the parliamentarians meeting in Doha would contribute strongly to the discussions to develop recommendations that help the poorest countries get out of their situations.
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