The countdown is continuing to the first TEDinArabic Summit, organised through a partnership between Qatar Foundation and TED and its audience will have the opportunity for experiences that combine knowledge and fun from countries across the Arab world.
Alongside keynote talks in Arabic by TED speakers who will tell their inspiring stories and share their ideas, the summit – which takes place at Qatar National Convention Centre in Doha from March 18-19 under the theme The Butterfly Effect – will allow people to interact, learn, and connect with other participants through interactive talks, workshops, and other opportunities to exchange and develop ideas.
These Discovery Sessions will include Abeer Bayazidi and Bassam Alasad of from Greener Screen/Creative Media Solutions outline the impact of filmmaking on climate action, and how the power of images and words can inspire people to act to protect the environment; while a session by Aziza Chaouni, assistant professor of architecture at the University of Toronto, will discuss strategies for tackling water scarcity challenges, from households to entire cities.
Many sessions and workshops will be centered around the Arabic language, with Nayef Alibrahim, CEO of Ibtechar Digital Solutions, highlighting the the key issue of teaching Arabic, both as a tool and as an essential part of shaping today's human identity.
Meanwhile, Qatar Foundation International will host a session about teaching and learning Arabic for non-native speakers of the language; and Jordanian designer and artist Hussein Alazaat will present a workshop on Arabic calligraphy, giving attendees the opportunity to explore new techniques in this art form and the endless possibilities offered by Arabic letters.
A group of Palestinian influencers, including activist Mona El-Kurd, Elia Ghorbiah , and Tarek al-Bakri, are leading a workshop titled ‘Defend Your Case With Your Talent’, with Alaa al-Qaq presenting the Khazaeen initiative on documenting and archiving stories from Palestine. And comedian and activist Maysoon Zayid will bring her legendary standup comedy to Doha as she performs her comedy in the Palestinian dialect, as well as sharing her own life story.
Well-known names from across the Arab world are joining the TEDinArabic Summit to present the TED speakers, including Qatari TV presenter Saud al-Mudahka; Algerian TV presenter Amel Arab; Palestinian writer and poet Asmaa al-Hajj; Moza AlHajri, a student at QF partner university Georgetown University in Qatar and a QatarDebate participant; and Essa al-Mannai, director of DADU Children’s Museum.
Arabic sign language will be available for all the TED talks.
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