The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) Qatar and QFC branch, as a global professional body advocating dispute avoidance and dispute management, has expressed its support in promoting mediation as an alternative mechanism for resolving commercial disputes.
The CIArb Qatar and QFC branch recently conducted a seminar in Doha featuring the relevant topic, 'Mediation for Business: A Pragmatic Means to Resolve Disputes', led by its chairman Dr Nasser al-Adba, managing partner at Omani & Partners LLP and assistant professor at Qatar University.
The event was formally commenced with an introductory message from Saad Hegazy, CIArb Qatar and QFC branch vice-chairman and partner of Resolve International, explaining the CIArb Rules, followed by Dr al-Adba’s opening remarks related to the use of mediation in settling disputes from a business perspective, including the enforcement of settlement agreements across borders.
Some of the programme highlights were a key presentation from Wolf von Kumberg, independent arbitrator and mediator, Global Resolution Services, member, Arbitra, and a thought-provoking panel discussion and question & answer (Q&A) session with Kumberg and Dr Susan L Karamanian, dean of the Hamad Bin Khalifa University College of Law, which was moderated by mar Malak Azmeh, registrar of QICDRC.
Further, the event was graced by the presence of HE Sheikh Dr Thani bin Ali al-Thani, QICCA board member; Sultan al-Abdulla, founder and managing partner of Sultan Al-Abdulla & Partners; Ahmed Ali al-Ansari, former chairman of CIArb Qatar and QFC branch; Noora al-Mannai, second legal researcher at Qatar's Ministry of Justice, CIArb members and supporters, industry professionals and decision makers in the country.
"In this event, CIArb Qatar and QFC branch has once again demonstrated its continuous commitment in promoting alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms, which are available for the parties for the settlement of their disputes, in a more efficient and cost-effective manner," a press statement noted.
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