Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Thursday said that Asia must not have chaos or wars if it wants to achieve greater development in the future.
Li said that China will never seek modernisation through war, colonisation or plunder. It is committed to achieving modernisation for more than 1.4 billion people through peace and development, and this will create strong driving force for economic growth in Asia and the world at large.
Li made the remarks in a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2023, according to (Xinhua) news agency.
The Chinese Premier opposed the abuse of unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction, picking sides, bloc confrontation and "a new Cold War." China stays committed to resolving differences and disputes between countries through peaceful means and jointly safeguarding world peace and stability, Li added.
Li urged efforts to jointly safeguard a peaceful and stable environment for development and inject more certainty into the volatile global environment. He said the concept of a community with a shared future for humanity has become "a flag that leads times and human progress."
Li said that the concept has also become a source of strength promoting sustained world peace and common prosperity.
He called for upholding mutual respect and trust, openness and inclusiveness, respecting other countries' independently-chosen development paths, and opposing the narrative of "clash of civilizations" and ideological confrontation.
Li said that China will introduce a series of new measures to expand market access, optimise business environment and facilitate project implementation.
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