The first Qatari company specialising in expertise work took the legal oath at the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice, and it is the first legal entity to be registered in the lists of accredited experts before the judicial authorities in the country in accordance with the controls contained in Law No 16 of 2017 regulating expert work.
The company was handed a certificate of registration to carry out its duties to provide computational expertise before the courts and competent authorities.
This came after the company's experts were registered among the list of the experts department at the Ministry of Justice. As part of its efforts to enhance the expertise sector in the country, and to activate the provisions of law no 16 of 2017 regulating expertise work.
The Department of Experts at the Ministry of Justice announced earlier that it would open the door to receiving applications for registration of the legal person in the expert registration lists with the department. The Department of Experts at the Ministry of Justice clarified the conditions for registration, which require that the registered company be in accordance with the provisions of the law, and that the shareholding of the Qatari partner or partners in it not own less than 51 % of its capital.
The tax card of the company should also be attached in the event of a foreign partner and in cases that require the a tax declaration from the owner of the company, and that he has not been declared bankrupt by a final ruling, and that the employees of the legal person in the field of expertise meet the conditions required for a natural person in accordance with paragraph (a).from article 7 of law no.(16) of 2017 regulating expertise work.