Qatar has reiterated its support to the Libyan political process for reaching a national consensus to ensure peace, stability and development, and preserving the country's unity, sovereignty and independence. This came in a statement delivered by Acting Charge d'Affaires of the Permanent Delegation of Qatar at the UN Office in Geneva Jawhara al-Suwaidi on Monday at the interactive dialogue with the Independent Fact-Finding Mission on Libya, within the framework of the 52nd session of the Human Rights Council (HRC).
Al-Suwaidi condemned all violations and abuses committed against the brotherly Libyan people, as stated in the mission's report, and called on all Libyan parties to respect their obligations under international laws and agreements to ensure the protection of civilians, overcome their differences, give priority to the national interest over narrow personal interests, and create the conditions and requirements for holding free, fair and transparent presidential and parliamentary elections in all parts of Libya and end the protracted transitional phase in the country.
Also, she stressed the importance of providing full support to the efforts of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and the UN Support Mission in Libya to implement their mandate. Al-Suwaidi underscored the importance of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the international community to help Libya implement its international obligations and national institutions, ensure the rule of law, confront illegal immigration, combat human trafficking, end exploitation of migrants, and protect and promote human rights. (QNA)
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