HOPE Qatar Centre for Persons with Disabilities, the official representative of Down Syndrome International (UK) in Qatar, will host a Down Syndrome Awareness event on March 20 at its premises in New Salata, Doha.The event that coincides with the International Down Syndrome Day will provide parents and families of children with Down Syndrome with a morning of awareness, inclusion, and celebration. The open house will feature fun-filled activities for children and their families, including sensory stations, modified sports, and interactive parent-child games.The event will also feature experts, including special educators, and therapeutic intervention specialists who can answer questions related to the children’s development.“Such events not only unite families but also highlight the significance of inclusion, empowerment, and recognising the unique potential of every individual with Down Syndrome,” said Dr Rajeev Thomas, founder and chief mentor at HOPE Qatar.While attendance to the event is free, prior registration is required for participation by calling 800-HOPE (800-4673) 5128-HOPE (5128-4673) 5129-HOPE (5129-4673) or by sending an e-mail to: administration@hope-qatar.org, a statement added.