The Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) launched on Wednesday the procedures for conducting health checks-up of new students applying for joining schools during the academic year 2022-2023. The campaign is in co-operation with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education’s (MoEHE) Schools and Students Affairs Department.
Parents must call 107 and book an appointment for preschool registration assessment for dental and family medicine clinics. Parents with students must attend their health centre according to the appointment. They need to be present one hour ahead of appointment and bring necessary documents including a valid QID card and health card, birth certificate and vaccination card. During the visit, students should head to the reception, the nursing assessment, the laboratory to conduct the necessary tests, the social worker’s assessment, then the dental clinic on schedule, followed by a visit to the family doctor’s clinic to examine the student clinically on schedule to access all examinations and test results, and issue the health certificate electronically. Parents then receive the student’s e-file from the reception before leaving.
Results of the medical examination of students can be viewed electronically via a link shared with the MoEHE.