The Ministry of Social Development and Family (MSDF) celebrated Family Day in Qatar in co-operation with Expo 2023 Doha.
The event is marked on April 15 every year.
HE the Minister of Municipality Dr Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Turki al-Subaie and HE the Minister of Social Development and Family Maryam bint Ali bin Nasser al-Misnad participated in an Iftar held at the Expo 2023 Doha venue, along with families and the elderly.
This comes within the framework of HE al-Misnad's keenness regarding the participation of families in activities held on this occasion, as well as an affirmation of the role of the family in society.
Such an initiative aims to "enhance awareness, the social cohesion of families, gratitude, loyalty and the spirit of co-operation among its members, and also revives the authentic Qatari family values, emphasising the family's rights and duties in strengthening its position in society", a press statement notes.
The celebration included activities, such as visits to girls' and boys' schools, and awareness seminars on the value of tolerance and the importance of family bonding.
The ministry also co-operated with Expo 2023 Doha on a tree planting initiative to instill values in the family.
HE al-Misnad noted that the celebration of Family Day in Qatar is a significant occasion and a community initiative.
"This is because when we talk about the family, we are talking about the building blocks of society essentially," she said, affirming that "the family is vital and if families are well-qualified and educated about their duties, society will be reformed".
"It is our pleasure to have the opportunity to celebrate Family Day in Qatar with the co-operation of the International Horticultural Expo 2023 Doha,” the minister added. “Thus, we endeavour to instill values in the family while we are participating in planting the bramble tree, because of its cultural and social importance."
HE al-Misnad said that Family Day in Qatar is a reminder that there are obligations towards the family and its members.
The family is seen as a fruitful tree with authentic and fixed roots in its principles.
"This makes it imperative for us to strengthen, empower and enhance its stability,” she said. “We are honoured and pleased to be the first government agency to participate in the activities of Expo 2023 Doha through our celebration of this occasion."
HE Dr al-Subaie meanwhile noted his ministry's keenness on participating along with the MSDF in celebrating Family Day in Qatar.
The minister pointed out that this was the first activity done in the land designated for the International Horticultural Exhibition scheduled to begin in October, and added that other activities will be organised in the coming months.
He stressed that preparations for the Doha Horticultural Expo 2023 are in full swing, including the establishment of infrastructure and the design of pavilions for the participating countries, whose number has so far reached more than 60 countries.
He said that the plan and calendar of the exhibition's activities over a period of 179 days will be presented to the public with wide participation from all government agencies, universities, research centers and other sectors in the country.
Sheikha bint Jassim al-Thani, assistant undersecretary for Family Affairs, meanwhile affirmed the ministry's keenness to spread the idea of building happy, strong and cohesive families in Qatar by reviving the entitlements of the system of societal values and traditions.
She said this is done through activities such as lectures and workshops to raise awareness.
Reem al-Ajmi, acting director of the Community Care Department, said the celebration of this day reflects the priority and importance that the government attaches to the family and the role of social institutions in supporting and developing community building and growth under Qatar National Vision 2030 and the country's national development strategy.
The MSDF has launched a number of events on this occasion and delivered awareness lectures at schools and mosques, and held entertainment activities focusing on enhancing cohesion among members of the same family.
It is keen on educating society about the importance of the family and activating its pioneering and leadership role in raising the younger generations.
By participating in the planting of seedlings, students are seen as a conscious generation that is keen on environmental protection and seeks to increase the green cover in Qatar to achieve the desired common goals.
Regarding the co-operation between the MSDF and the horticultural expo, Haifa al-Otaibi, director of Events and Corporate Communications at Expo 2023 Doha, said: “First, I would like to express our sincere thanks to the Ministry of Social Development and Family for being the first government agency to confirm its participation in the activities of Expo 2023 Doha, by planting the first seedlings in the expo area.”
"We were keen to organise this event in conjunction with the Family Day in Qatar to echo this annual social occasion that seeks to integrate all segments of society, including young people, the elderly, and people of determination,” she said.
"With our participation in the Family Day event, we continue with our faith in the elderly, who will help achieve our future goals as they enjoy sharing knowledge that will enrich the event,” al-Otaibi said. “We affirm that Expo 2023 Doha will open its doors to all segments of society, and everyone has the right to participate."
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