World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), the global educational initiative of Qatar Foundation is partnering with GEF Global Education Forum, an initiative of SEK Education Group, to jointly organise a major educational event in Columbia next month.

The conversations will be hosted in Medellín, a city which has involved public, private and philanthropic actors to rethink and transform spaces to innovate in education.

The forum will discuss how education institutions can leverage other resources, programmes and spaces in their surroundings and beyond to expand learning opportunities.

GEF and WISE will bring together at EAFIT University, local, regional and global decision makers, system thinkers, educators and young voices to rethink how to involve not only academic institutions but a whole society in shaping education.

Some of the speakers at the event include: Vicky Colbert, founder and director, Fundación Escuela Nueva as well as the WISE Prize Winner in 2013; Nieves Segovia Bonet, president, SEK Education Group; Emiliana Vegas, professor of practice, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Francesc Pedró, director of the Unesco Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean; Anissa Moeini; founder and CEO, Goldstar Education; Salvador Medina, CEO and founder, The Valhalla Fund; Dina Buchbinder, founder and president, Education for Sharing and Richard Light, professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education among others.

During the week of the forum, Medellin will also host a series of events organised with partners.

The Medellin Challenge, led by San Jose de las Vegas School, will bring together students from different countries to work collaboratively on solutions for challenges that affect communities in Medellin.

The solutions will be showcased on May 23.

EAFIT University and its Center Imaginar Futuros will host on May 25 the second edition of the Festival de Futuros, an event that will shed light on the current and future trends that impact learning processes and teaching in different social contexts.