Arab League urged the Sudanese parties, whether Armed Forces or Rapid Support Force, to announce a ceasefire during the days of Eid Al Fitr holiday.
In a televised message, broadcasted on the Arab League's website, Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit said that he urges the Sudanese parties in the name of Islam, Arab values, and humanity to announce a ceasefire during the Eid holiday, in a way that allows the people to catch their breath and enable civilians to respond to urgent humanitarian cases.
He added that during the past hours, he received several appeals from the people inside and outside Sudan describing the pressing and dangerous situations they suffer. The Secretary-General of the Arab League said that he passes these appeals to the conflicting parties in Sudan, reminding them of the sanctity of the holy month of Ramadan and urging them not to make the Eid days grieving for the Sudanese people; but rather make them a truce where both parties completely ceasefire, in a way that allows people to get a hand on food supplies and medication.
The Secretary-General of the Arab League added that this message is a pure humanitarian call that has nothing to do with the political situation of the crisis and the accountability of any of the parties on its eruption or continuation. The priority now is for the people of Sudan, and Arab values oblige us to consider civilians, while our Islamic religion obliges us, even at the time of war, to consider humanitarian values and ethical values.
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