DPS-Modern Indian School (DPS-MIS) recently conducted an award ceremony to celebrate the outstanding academic performance of students from grades V-VII in the 2022-23 academic year.

Rocky Fernandes, director of DPS-Modern Indian School, the chief guest on the occasion, congratulated the students on behalf of the management, on their brilliant achievements and lauded the continuous, collective efforts of the teachers and parents in preparing the young minds to achieve greater feats in life.

Principal Asna Nafees, in her address, highlighted the true essence of DPS-MIS education, which lies in the all-round development of its students. She advocated the need for environmental sensitivity and encouraged the young achievers to be independent, respectful and resilient human beings.

She also briefed the parents on the paradigm shift in pedagogy and the evaluation process after the introduction of NEP 2020, and shared information about the innovative practices adopted by DPS-MIS to foster 21st century competencies among the learners and to prepare them for future challenges.

Around 250 students were awarded with trophies, badges, certificates and blue blazers for their academic excellence.
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