The voter registration for the upcoming elections to the seventh Central Municipal Council (CMC) is progressing well, local Arabic daily Arrayah reported quoting a number of Qataris.
The citizens stressed that the voters registration process was smooth. They could register either through Metrash 2 services or at the headquarters of the constituencies. For those who wanted to change their residence address, the only required document was their Qatari ID and the process took only a maximum of 10 minutes at the designated constituency. They also stressed the importance of the CMC in addressing the issues that concern the inhabitants of the country.
Ahmed Mohamed al-Abdelmalek, head of the registration committee at the 13th constituency, said that the committee has received considerable numbers of citizens for registration for the first time and a good number who requested to change their residence address. He pointed out that all registration committees at all constituencies offer citizens all the necessary support to ease the involved processes.
Jassim al-Azba, a voter, said that the related registration procedures went on well. Saad Mohamed al-Faheed said it took him only around 10 minutes to change his constituency to one near his new house. He also called on the CMC candidates to adopt practical election programmes that address the real needs of the people, while taking into consideration improving the basic services and infrastructure that would improve their life.
Mohamed Saleem al-Aswad highly appreciated the related online services through Metrash 2, especially for the new voters registering for the first time. He said that he hopes that the candidates would work to be up to the expectations of the people, and fulfill their promises when elected.
Saeed Saleh Attan, said that his choice for the right candidates is governed by their ability to achieve the public interests.
The election is on June 22. Voter registration will conclude Thursday.
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