Qatar, represented by Qatar Media Cooperation, participated in the fifth meeting of the expert group on evaluating and updating the Arab Media Action Plan Abroad, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States in Cairo.
Qatar Media Cooperation was represented at the meeting by Head of the International Cooperation and Conventions Department Sheikh Ahmed bin Thani Al-Thani, and Director of the Planning, Quality and International Cooperation Department Ahmed Ghassab Al Hajri.
Plenipotentiary Minister and Director of the Technical Secretariat of the Arab Information Ministers Council at the Arab League, Faleh Al Mutairi, said in a press statement that the meeting reviewed the observations and views of Member States on this plan, which were agreed to be submitted to the next meeting of the Permanent Committee of Arab Information Ministers and the 53rd session of the Council of Arab Ministers of Information, to be held in Morocco in June.
Al Mutairi explained that the Arab Media Action Plan Abroad is based on three main themes - the Palestinian cause, the phenomenon of terrorism, and highlighting the correct image of Arabs and Muslims abroad. The plan was approved by the Arab Ministers of Information in 2001 with the aim of upgrading the role of the media and employing it to achieve the widespread dissemination of the Arab perspective, thus supporting Arab issues abroad. The plan was updated in 2006 and 2014
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