With the support of the philanthropists in Qatar, Qatar Charity (QC) has started to rebuild 326 homes for Rohingya refugees in Balukhali camp in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, which were destroyed due to a fire that broke out in the refugee camp in March.
Qatar Charity has started the construction process according to the design of houses approved by the Office of Refugee Affairs, Relief and Return, Government of Bangladesh, with each house containing two living rooms for every affected family. This step was greatly welcomed locally, as the authorities thanked people in Qatar and QC for providing such assistance to the Rohingya refugees, and expressed their appreciation for the continuous humanitarian efforts it is providing at refugee camps in Bangladesh.
Meanwhile, the refugees welcomed the project, especially since most residents of the camp, which was burned, have left to live in other refugee camps. Mura Begum, a refugee whose house was burned, said: "Thank you to the people in Qatar for providing a home for my family. We escaped from the fire and took refuge with my family in a nearby camp. I am grateful for what Qatar Charity provided, which enabled me to return to live in my home."
On March 5, a massive fire broke out in the Balukhali refugee camp in Cox's Bazar, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The fire displaced about 12,000 refugees, destroyed more than 2,000 refugee homes, and damaged hospitals and education centres in the region.
Qatar Charity has previously rebuilt 537 homes for Rohingya refugees in the Kutupalong camp in Cox's Bazar, which was subjected to a massive fire in 2021, as thousands of refugees were evacuated to temporary camps on Bhasan Char Island, and more than 9,500 shelters were destroyed.
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