The competitions of the 9th edition of Senyar Festival concluded on Friday with the participation of 58 teams comprising 697 individuals, including 64 from the GCC countries and 47 Qatar residents. The competitions were launched at Katara-Cultural Village Foundation Beach Tuesday.
Katara general manager Prof Dr Khalid bin Ibrahim al-Sulati honoured the first 15 winners at the Hand-line Fishing (Haddaq) and Lifah (Pearl-Diving) competitions. In his address at the occasion, he said: "Senyar festival is considered one of the most significant marine festivals in Qatar, because of its importance in reviving the well-established traditional heritage and this year it resumes its activities after a two-year halt due to the Covid-19 pandemic."
He also praised the efforts of the organising committee for the serious work they have done paying attention to all details, and producing the competitions at their best.
The first winner got a prize of QR700,000, the second QR500,000, the third QR300,000 the winners from the eighth until the tenth got QR40,000 each, while the winners of the 11th place until the 15th got QR20,000 each.
The total weight of the sheri fish caught during the competitions came to 2,923.80kg. The biggest fish caught was a king fish weighing 15.10kg.
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