Dukhan Bank announced the names of the most recent round of draw winners for Thara’a, its Shariah-compliant savings account, at the bank’s headquarters.
As the draw results showed, the bank clients - Maryam al-Hetmi and Bouthaina al-Obaidli - each won a cash prize of QR10,000.
Also, a cash prize worth QR5,000 was awarded to Walah Mohamed, Wafaa Alsmadi, Aysha Taan, Jameela Darwish, Amer al-Khowar, Mona Abdelrehim, Sohail Malik and Ghania Tinakicht, Nasser Alnaimi, Alaa al-Naama, Saeed Alkhelaifi, Baraa Elsettawy, Nausheena Hurzuk, Aisha al-Malki, Fadhel Annan, Kamran Hafeez, Buthaina Alkuwari, Fawziya Maarafiya, Hazem Khemir, Marlo Enriquez, Mohamed Ismail, Riaz Ahamed, Faisal al-Siddiqi, Noof al-Subaey, Saleh Maswar, Rania Elnakkouzi, Lolwa al-Naemi, Fadda Alibrahim, Dina Ayyash, Hamad al-Marri, Mohamed Yakoub, Laila al-Khawaga, Mohamed Parambil, Ahmed Ismail, Hissa al-Khulaifi, Ahmed Badawy, Sheikha Fatema al-Thani, Saleh al-Qayer, Jawaher Alsaeedi, Hatem Hajri, Shaikha Obaidan, Mohamed Hussain, Saman Dib, Thasneem Odaippurath, Khalid al-Khanji, Amiranmai Ramzan, Laith Habahbeh, Jassim al-Tamimi, Bibibakhiyar Nowdaz, Athba Alshamari, Mohamed Jiffry, Ali al-Mohammadi, Reyad al-Shamari, Asbel Nigatu, Jassim Riashi, Ahlam Alsanadi, Waad al-Naimi, Ammar Termanini, Moza al-Shahwani and Ali al-Marri.
The draw was conducted under the supervision of a representative from the qualitative licence and market control department at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
On a monthly basis, there are 59 winners per draw for the cash prize of QR5,000 each, as well as two winners per draw for the cash prize of QR10,000. Additionally, quarterly there are two winners per draw for the cash prize of QR25,000 each, two winners per draw for the cash prize of QR50,000 each, and yearly there is one winner of the grand prize of QR1,000,000, rewarding 501 winners in total with cash prizes up to QR3,790,000.
Coupled with cash prizes and a reward scheme, Thara’a is a product full of value-added benefits and services. Thara’a offers account holders access to Dukhan Bank’s innovative banking channels, a press statement notes.
Customers may learn about the many benefits of Thara’a savings account by visiting Dukhan Bank’s website dukhanbank.com, by calling the Contact Centre on 800 8555, or asking ‘Rashid’, the virtual assistant, on the website, mobile app or via WhatsApp on 44100888.