HE Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani chaired the Cabinet's regular meeting held on Wednesday.Following the meeting, HE Minister of Justice and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Ibrahim bin Ali Al Mohannadi stated the following:The Cabinet extended its highest greetings to HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani on the imminent advent of the blessed Eid Al Fitr, praying to Almighty Allah to return this blessed occasion to His Highness with the best of health and happiness, to the beloved country of Qatar and its people and residents with prosperity and growth under HH the Amir's wise leadership, and to the Arab and Islamic nations with goodness, welfare and blessings.The Cabinet then considered the items on its agenda and approved a draft decision by the Minister of Justice regarding fees for certain services offered by the Ministry of Justice. The draft decision aims to align with the updated list of ministry services, streamline fees by reducing and merging some charges, and clarify the names of others. Additionally, it exempts first-time transactions for establishing businesses, companies, and institutions from documentation fees, facilitating business setup and supporting Qatar's business environment. The decision also includes fee reductions for people with disabilities and individuals over the age of sixty.The Council also approved a draft decision by the Minister of Municipality regarding the determination of fees for services provided by the Public Works Authority (Ashghal). The draft resolution aims to align with the updated list of services offered by the Authority, add new services, and exempt certain government agencies, their administrative units, and companies contracting with them from specific fees.The Cabinet took the necessary measures to ratify an agreement on mutual administrative assistance for the effective implementation of customs law, and the suppression, investigation, and combating of customs violations between the government of the State of Qatar and the government of the Republic of Sierra Leone, as well as a memorandum of understanding for cooperation in education, higher education, and scientific research between the governments of the State of Qatar and the Republic of Sierra Leone.The Cabinet also decided to approve a draft memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands regarding cooperation in the peaceful settlement of disputes, as well as a draft memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of ports between the Ministry of Transport of the State of Qatar and the Ministry of Transport and Public Works of the Republic of Ecuador.Furthermore, the Cabinet reviewed a draft law amending some provisions of Law No. (17) of 2018, which established the Workers Support and Insurance Fund, and a draft decision of the Board of Directors of the Fund, amending some provisions of Decision No. (2) of 2022 regarding the controls and procedures for disbursing workers dues. The Cabinet took the appropriate decision regarding both.The Cabinet concluded its meeting by reviewing two reports and taking appropriate decisions regarding them: a report on the results of the National Civil Aviation Security Committee's work from 1/7/2024 to 31/12/2024, and a report on the participation of the State of Qatars delegation, headed by HE the Minister of Commerce and Industry, in the Qatar-India Business Forum.