The Greek embassy in Qatar is presenting a performance by Elliniko Theatro/Greek Theatre, based on Plato’s timeless classic, ‘The Apology of Socrates’.
It will be staged at United School International, Viva Bahriya Roundabout, the Pearl Island, at 5pm Monday.
"This particular work by Plato, one of the greatest philosophers of all time, reflects Socrates’s speech before the High Court in ancient Athens to his own defence against defamatory accusations (‘Apologia’)," the embassy said in its announcement, inviting those interested to attend the theatrical performance. "To Socrates, his 'Apologia' is an opportunity to give - with a modicum of irony - a full public account of his life’s work and defend the true demands of piety, truth, justice, courage, honour and dignity in society."
The performance will capture the essence of Socratic ethics in an accessible and engaging manner. Attendance is free, and children as of the age of 14 are also welcome.