The Ministry of Labour Monday issued its monthly statistical bulletin for May, which includes the most prominent figures of the labour sector in the country, as well as the results of inspection visits to various establishments subject to the provisions of the labour law.
The bulletin showed that the ministry received about 32,438 applications for new recruitment — 31,483 applications were approved, and 955 applications were rejected, while the total number of applications for profession modification reached 4,175 applications, 4,137 applications were approved, and 38 applications were rejected.
According to the bulletin, the number of work permit applications submitted to the ministry during May reached 1,490, including 1,084 applications for permit renewal, 86 applications for issuing a new permit, and 320 applications for cancelling issued permits.
In terms of inspection visits to labour recruitment offices, the statistical bulletin showed that the ministry carried out about 159 inspection visits of recruitment offices, 153 of which ended in acceptance, five of them in violation, and one visit (1) for advice and guidance.
During May, the Labour Inspection Department carried out intensive campaigns to monitor the extent to which establishments comply with laws and ministerial decisions concerned with regulating the labour market in the country, with a total number of inspection visits of 3,857 visits in various regions, which resulted in sending a warning to 613 companies to remove the violation, while the number of violations records reached against the 64 companies.
Regarding labour complaints, the bulletin showed that the department received complaints from the establishments workers against the establishment with about 2,566 complaints, of which 578 complaints were settled, 13 of them were referred to the Labor dispute settlement committees, and 1,976 complaints remained under the procedure, while the complaints of domestic workers against employers amounted to 64. Of these, 22 complaints were settled, 41 are under procedure, and one complaint was referred to the dispute settlement committees. The department also received 138 complaints from the public and all of them were settled.
With regard to the labour dispute settlement committees, the number of cases referred to the dispute settlement committees during the past month amounted to about 13, and the total number of decisions issued by the labour dispute settlement committees reached about 649 decisions, and the total number of decisions that are still under procedure is about 1,341 decisions.
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