The State of Qatar is participating in the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) meeting, which started Tuesday and will continue until Thursday in Bangkok, Thailand.
In the three-day meeting, the State of Qatar is represented by a delegation headed by CEO of Qatar Financial Markets Authority (QFMA) Dr Tamy bin Ahmad al-Binali.
The IOSCO Annual Meeting 2023 is being held under the theme 'Envisioning the next horizon: A way towards connected future of capital markets.' IOSCO holds an annual meeting, where leaders from international organisations and sectors concerned with capital markets and financial industry discuss important issues related to world securities and futures markets.
This year meeting is of great importance due to it is the second in-person meeting to be held by IOSCO after the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, as the participants seek to enhance co-ordination and co-operation among themselves on issues of common interest, especially those that represent a top priority for the members' financial markets.
The key issues and topics will be discussed by participants and representatives of the financial markets' regulators are the challenges they face, especially during the post-Covid-19 phase, and the mechanisms of control to reduce their risks to investors. They will also discuss IOSCO's upcoming projects and topics in light of the priorities set by the board of directors of the organisation, in addition to the global economic developments and changes and their impacts on the financial markets in the member, as well as the latest developments related to financial services technologies provided by the financial markets regulators to the financial institutions and companies subject to their jurisdiction.
The panels will also deal with ways to enhance joint international co-operation and co-ordination among the members, regarding the exchange of information among all financial markets' regulators, and its impact on the implementation of relevant legislation and regulations.
The participants will also confirm their concern in the need to facilitate the process of providing data and information related to financial markets, and to enhance the protection of investors and dealers in such markets in a way that benefits their investments and the investment environment in general.
It is noteworthy that QFMA has been an involved member of IOSCO since 2013. It also joined several key committees of the organisation, namely Presidents Committee, Growth and Emerging Markets Committee (GEMC), Africa/Middle East Regional Committee (AMERC), and MMoU Monitoring Group.
IOSCO is a global standards setter for the securities regulation recognised by the international financial community, which all member states must comply with and fulfil their requirements.
It also seeks to enhance the regulatory and supervisory powers of capital market authorities through internationally co-operation, and enhance the effectiveness of capital market authorities to detect and combat financial crimes across borders, in addition to ensuring the enforcement of laws of capital market authorities against violators across borders.
IOSCO is the reference institution for capital markets regulators worldwide, and it works intensively with the G20, the Financial Stability Board (FSB), as well as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, which have adopted IOSCO standards as an industry reference.
IOSCO develops, implements and promotes adherence to internationally recognised standards for securities regulation, as well the IOSCO Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation have been endorsed by both the G20 and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) as the relevant standards in this area.
In the three-day meeting, Qatar is represented by a delegation headed by CEO of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Dr Tamy bin Ahmad al-Binali.