Qatar and Kuwait have launched a project to share the traffic violation data, with effect from June 13 this year. This was announced Wednesday by Qatar's Ministry of Interior (MoI), following a meeting of officials from both countries."The team responsible for sharing traffic violation data between the ministries of interior in Qatar and Kuwait held a bilateral meeting, which also emphasised the importance of leveraging best practices to reduce traffic accidents and save lives and property,” the statement said.Lt Col Abdulaziz al-Asmar al-Ruwaili, director of the Systems Development Dept at the General Directorate of Communications and Information Systems at MoI, represented Qatar in the meeting. Brig Osama al-Wahib, acting director general of the General Directorate of Information Systems, represented the Kuwaiti official delegation.Earlier, a bilateral meeting of Qatar and Saudi Arabia was held to discuss a project to share the traffic violation data. The General Directorate of Traffic stated the meeting was held within the framework of the joint cooperation between the two countries in traffic related issues.
June 14, 2023 | 06:38 PM