On the sidelines of the University of Doha for Science and Technology (UDST) graduation ceremony, Abdullah al-Ahmadi, holder of the President’s Award for Academic Excellence, spoke to Gulf Times.
“I graduated with a degree in mechanical and maintenance engineering with the President’s Award,” he said. “This is one of the highest achievements in our university. I am so excited I cannot express my feelings about this success.”
“I read the valedictorian address for my batch. It is very hard to get this opportunity,” al-Ahmadi added. “I congratulate all the students and wish them best of luck. I really recommend the UDST because it provides students with a good mix of theoretical and practical studies.”
Ali al-Khalid, another holder of the President’s Award for Academic Excellence, also spoke to *Gulf Times
“I am an information technology graduate with the President’s Award,” he said. “Today, I am proud that the four years journey came to an honourable conclusion.”
“My family is proud too, it has been a long and hard journey, but I finally made it and I am very happy for this,” al-Khalid added. “I recommend the UDST for students who want to get applied knowledge, hands on experience on almost every aspect of information technology, hardware and software, robots, etc.”
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