Qatar, a country known for its appreciation of quality and attention to detail, is witnessing a growing demand for handmade and personalised products: from leather goods to writing instruments and other luxury items, it is learnt.
Speaking to Gulf Times, esteemed Italian brand Pineider's marketing and communication head Claudia Cirillo acknowledged the distinct characteristics of the Qatari market, expressing admiration for the country's meticulous approach to quality.
She stressed the brand’s alignment with Qatar's values as Pineider, which opened its first outlet in the Middle East at Fifty One East, shares a similar commitment to excellence and customer care.
“Qatar is a nice place... it seems you take care a lot of everything here, so the fact that we take care of our own products and our own clients is something that is very important for us and for you as well,” Cirillo said.
About plans to create products specifically tailored to Qatar or inspired by Qatari culture, she said the brand is keen in such endeavours, hinting at potential collaborations with local partners to develop exclusive products that would reflect the unique taste and preferences of Qatari customers.
“With our partners, we will do something for sure, we usually love to do these kinds of things with the partner that we choose in a single country,” she added.
According to Cirillo, the brand’s willingness to embrace cultural influences ensures that its offerings remain relevant and appealing in the local market.
Pineider, an esteemed Italian brand renowned for its craftsmanship and heritage, is capitalising on this trend by expanding its presence in the region.
Cirillo underlined Pineider’s appeal in Qatar and the significance of its partnership with Fifty One East. Pineider's products, ranging from luxurious leather goods to personalised accessories, garnered attention due to their exquisite craftsmanship and unique customisation options.
She said that the brand's offerings stand out in a market that increasingly seeks alternatives to mainstream products. She also emphasised the brand's commitment to delivering exclusive items that resonate with individual customers, ensuring that they own a one-of-a-kind possession unlike anything available to others.
Cirillo said the allure of Pineider lies not only in its products but also in the rich history and heritage associated with the brand. With a legacy deeply rooted in Italian craftsmanship, the company prides itself on meticulously handcrafting each piece.
This dedication to traditional techniques, she noted, resonates with the discerning customers in Qatar, who appreciate the value of authenticity and heritage.
Pineider's partnership with Fifty One East marks a significant milestone for the brand's expansion into the region. Recognising the reputation and influence of Fifty One East, Cirillo described the collaboration as “a great partnership,” giving the brand an excellent platform to showcase its range of handcrafted products in Qatar.
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