The newest addition to Qatar Foundation’s (QF) transport network will soon be unveiled, as the Education City Tram Green Line becomes operational – with the organisation sending out a road safety message ahead of its launch.
The Green Line will expand Education City’s sustainable transport system by connecting its North Campus – which includes Qatar National Convention Centre, Sidra Medicine, and Qatar Science & Technology Park – with its South Campus, where QF’s universities and a number of its schools are based.
While the Green Line is not yet open to the public, test journeys will be taking place over the coming weeks. The Education City Tram will soon be frequently crossing the Gharafat/Al Rayyan junction, where traffic signals and speed cameras are already in place, and additional roadside barriers have been installed.
With the launch of this new line, road users and pedestrians are urged to adhere to traffic signals at all times and, when approaching the Gharafat/AlRayyan junction, to exercise caution and be mindful of the Education City Tram’s presence, a statement added.