Three years ago, Qatar Foundation’s ( QF) Awsaj Academy launched its Empower Programme – a unique initiative designed to meet the needs of people with specific challenges, including autism and Down syndrome. This year, three students graduated from the programme and took part in the first Qatar Foundation Schools Commencement Ceremony.
“The Empower Programme accompanies students on their educational journey, from primary to secondary education, through classrooms of five to eight students,” says Bryttani K Myles, a teacher at Awsaj Academy, part of QF’s Pre-University Education.
“Awsaj Academy students become part of the programme after a thoughtful selection process led by the admissions team. After identifying students who may face challenges in the educational environment, we offer personalized support designed for their specific needs in an environment conducive to their growth and development.”
To assess progress, the Empower Programme exposes the students to real-world scenarios, through field trips to, for example, cafes and restaurants where they are encouraged to order food and interact with service staff.
“In this way, we measure their progress across academics, social skills, behavior, and emotional well-being. And this comprehensive assessment ensures that we consider all aspects of their development,” says the teacher.
The Empower Programme provides students with a smooth transition from primary to secondary education, ensuring continuity in their learning journey. The teaching staff, made up of approximately 12 teachers from Grade 1 to Grade 12, strive to create a rich and supportive learning environment.
Hashim al-Khusaie has autism and is one of the three students graduating this year. Expressing his sadness at leaving the school, which allowed him to learn, build friendships, and improve a variety of skills, he said: “I love Awsaj Academy very much. I have wonderful friends and teachers. Here I have learned mathematics and how to improve my reading. I also learned how to communicate with people better. I am very sad that I am leaving.”
Donna Abas, Al Khusaie mother highlighted the improvement in her son’s speech abilities, saying: “When my child joined Awsaj Academy, he had difficulties in pronunciation, and he was communicating through instructional cards. Thanks to the support and motivation provided by the school, he is now able to express himself better and communicate well.”
“Hashim al-Khusaie represents the transformative impact of the Empower Program. Through our holistic approach, he not only developed his verbal skills, but also refined his social skills,” Myles said.
Abas added: “With the aim of enhancing his passion for reading, al-Khusaie's teacher gave him many tasks in the library, such as arranging and organizing books on the shelves. He is there several times a week and is good at completing his tasks. We also visit the Qatar National Library regularly, as he loves being among books.”
Awsaj Academy was one of seven schools that took part in the first Qatar Foundation Schools Commencement Ceremony, which celebrated the achievements 249 graduates at Qatar National Convention Centre.
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