Police Academy celebrated on Thursday the graduation of the fourth batch of 'Police Officers of Tomorrow' programme (summer 2023) in the presence of Assistant Director of Public Security Major General Mohammed Jassim Al Sulaiti, a number of officers, and parents of graduates.
The fourth batch included around 400 students who, over two weeks, received various activities, such as military infantry, self-defense, physical fitness, air shooting, and other cultural and sports activities.
In a statement marking the occasion, the Assistant Director of Public Security said that the program organized by the Police Academy represents one of the initiatives to consolidate community partnership, noting that the program includes training and educational activities that develop the spirit of leadership and self-confidence among the participants.
The Police Academy launched the Police Officers of Tomorrow program in its fourth edition on the first of July and managed to attract 2,500 students divided into six groups. Each group receives skill training over a period of two weeks, in addition to religious and cultural activities.
Over the past two weeks, the Police Academy has celebrated the graduation of three groups from the program, while the graduation of the last two groups will be celebrated during the next two weeks. (QNA)
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