The success rate of quitting smoking at Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) Tobacco Control Centre amounted to 38% among the smokers frequenting the Smoking Cessation Clinics, pointed out Dr Ahmed al-Mulla, director of the centre.
He told local Arabic daily 'Arrayah' that the frequenters of these clinics, who were unable to quit smoking completely, managed to reduce their daily smoking rates by almost 25%. He noted that such success rates are very close to the international rates achieved by the similar clinics globally. He said that the centre follows treatment methods that mostly depend on psychiatric guidance, behavioural therapy in addition to the necessary medications that complement the treatment plan.
Accordingly, the latest methods of treatment in the field are monitored closely to adopt the best that suits the clients of the centre, for instance laser-therapy for smoking cessation, which helps in reducing the urge to smoke among smokers. He said that the laser therapy have proven to be among the best in the field so far with a high success rate. Besides, the smoker needs three sessions given on specific periods.
Dr Al-Mulla stressed that the centre offers its services at all the areas of the country through its various clinics and it receives referrals from all HMC facilities and different health centers of the Primary Health Care Corporations. He said that the centre provides its clients with alternative that would fight nicotine addiction to help them overcome the withdrawal consequences related to smoking in addition to providing them with all the adequate methods to assist them through their endeavors to quit smoking completely.
In the meantime, Dr al-Mulla warned against resorting to e-cigarettes as a means for quitting smoking as it is not safe at all, and it has been banned in Qatar for the involved risks on health. He pointed out that the latest researches have shown that the users of e-cigarettes have started to display symptoms of lethal diseases unknown for those who smoke traditional cigarettes. The reason behind this could be due to the banned flavours used in these e-cigarettes.
He also warned against the use of the European chewing tobacco as it is very harmful for health and not same to consume as an alternative for smoking.
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