The preparation for the International Horticultural Exhibition in Qatar, the Middle East, and North Africa, took a step closer as the Pakistani ambassador Muhemmed Aejaz visited the event's site Monday. This visit, according to an official press statement from the Pakistan embassy, marked the commencement of the involvement of the Pakistani community, adding to the anticipation surrounding the six month exhibition.
The ambassador's visit was centered on understanding the event's logistics and the necessary procedures for organising cultural activities. Pakistan holds a significant spot in the international exhibition area, with plot no. 1 allotted for its participation. This designation reflects Pakistan's commitment to showcasing its cultural heritage, agricultural expertise, and links to horticulture.
“The ambassador's presence highlighted the importance of cultural exchange between Pakistan and Qatar. The Expo provides an avenue for Pakistan to share its traditions, agricultural methods and connections to the land. This participation brings forth unity and shared values among nations,” the statement said.
Expo 2023 Doha, shaped by Qatar's National Vision 2030, has gained global attention with its theme "Green Desert, Better Environment." The event aims to encourage collaboration in addressing desertification and promoting sustainable practices. Under the guidance of Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim al-Thani and supported by the Ministry of Municipality, the Expo is becoming a platform for international cooperation.
“Given that the Expo is themed around collaborative solutions for environmental challenges, the engagement of the Pakistani community holds special significance. The ambassador's visit serves as an encouragement for active participation, boosting excitement within the community. The event, spanning from October 2023 to March 2024, offers ample time for Pakistani representatives to interact with visitors, other nations, and stakeholders,” it noted.
“Expo 2023 Doha aims to be more than a mere exhibition. It acts as a platform for strengthening understanding among nations through greater people to people and socio cultural contact. Active involvement of the Pakistani community in this six months long event is set to inject vitality into the event, creating opportunities for dialogue, friendships, and cross-cultural learning among diverse communities,” it added.
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