Travelling light will make any trip less stressful. While a traveller saves time and money, by doing so, one may even get to enjoy one’s destination even better!
Packing light makes more sense in an aircraft, which obviously uses more fuel when it carries more weight.
Obviously, travellers these days comprise both heavy packers and those who pack light.
An airline in Japan is now offering travellers an option to pack less clothing with the aim of reducing their luggage weight and consequently cut greenhouse gas emissions.
In a bid to reduce their carbon footprint, Japan Airlines (JAL) and trading house Sumitomo Corporation are now offering to lighten travellers’ luggage by renting them clothes for their trip catered to seasonal needs.
According to JAL, a reduction of 1kg for a flight from New York to Tokyo will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 0.75kg as the aircraft would consume less fuel.
According to reports, users of the service will be required to submit information at least a month in advance covering their flight details, duration of stay and preferred clothing size. The clothes will be delivered to their hotels in Japan.
Rental costs will start from ¥4,000 ($28) and will vary depending on the number of items.
Passengers travelling light can indeed help flights save fuel, industry experts say.
The fuel efficiency of an aircraft, they say, is influenced by its total weight, and this includes the combined weight of passengers, baggage, cargo, and the aircraft itself.
When passengers travel with fewer belongings and carry-ons, the overall weight of the aircraft is reduced, leading to several fuel-saving benefits such as reduced weight, less fuel consumption and emissions reduction among others.
Carrying excess weight requires more energy (fuel) to lift off, maintain altitude, and land. Lighter loads mean the aircraft requires less thrust and fuel consumption to achieve the desired speed and altitude.
The amount of fuel required to carry the aircraft's weight directly affects its fuel efficiency. Reduced weight leads to decreased fuel consumption over the course of the flight, making the journey more environmentally friendly and cost-effective for airlines.
A lighter aircraft can potentially allow for more efficient flight profiles, including climbing to cruising altitude more quickly and using optimal cruising speeds and altitudes. These adjustments further contribute to fuel savings.
Burning less fuel leads to lower greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants being released into the atmosphere. This aligns with airlines' efforts to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to environmental sustainability.
When passengers travel light, airlines may be able to accommodate more passengers within the same aircraft weight limits. This higher load factor can then distribute operational costs over more passengers, potentially leading to cost savings for both passengers and the airline.
While the weight of passengers and their belongings is one factor affecting fuel efficiency, there are numerous other variables that also play a role, such as weather conditions, flight distance, altitude, and aircraft design.
Nonetheless, every effort to reduce unnecessary weight contributes to more fuel-efficient and environmentally conscious air travel.
Pratap John is Business Editor at Gulf Times. Twitter handle: @PratapJohn
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