About 1, 800 workers benefited from Qatar Cancer Society's (QCS) quarterly awareness campaign about the most common types of cancer.

The beneficiaries were selected from several health centres as well as several workers from private companies in cooperation with Qatar Red Crescent Society.

The three-month campaign, which started in June, is being held in Arabic, English, Urdu, and Hindi. The June campaign focused on raising skin cancer awareness and targeted 500 workers by broadcasting educational messages through direct and indirect workshops and lectures. It presented the signs and symptoms of skin cancer, how to deal with sunlight, especially in hot summer weather, and the risk factors that increase the possibility of infection.

July witnessed an awareness campaign on liver cancer, and 500 workers were targeted. The focus was on the most important signs and symptoms of liver cancer and methods of prevention, and emphasis on not sharing personal care tools such as razors and toothbrushes to avoid infection with hepatitis B virus, a risk factor for liver cancer. The campaign included distributing personal care kits to the workers.

In August, which is Blood Cancer Awareness Month, the campaign has targeted 300 so far. It made them aware of blood cancers and focused on the importance of adhering to safety standards at work to limit exposure to chemicals and radiation to reduce the risk of disease. Another group of workers is being targeted in cooperation with several companies, which target approximately 500 workers.

Dr Sheikh Khalid bin Jabor al-Thani, chairman and founder of QCS, said: "These awareness campaigns and activities align with Qatar National Vision 2030, which pays great attention to human health and stresses the importance of spreading health awareness among all societal groups, especially workers.”

“The strategic goals of Qatar Cancer Society since its establishment are awareness of cancer, methods of prevention, and early detection of it. Over the past 25 years, it has worked to expand the base of beneficiaries of its services and reach all segments and groups of society,” he added.
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