Qatar TV, marking 53 years of excellence Tuesday, August 15, as a champion of Gulf and Arab issues, has been lauded for the great success it achieved, local Arabic daily Arrayah reported.
A number of media professionals, artists and intellectuals shared their memories of Qatar TV and their aspirations for the future. They confirmed that Qatar TV has been able, through decades, to address the conscience, nourish minds and contribute to the formation of ideas, relying on sober culture, distinguished programmes, and purposeful content.
Dr Rabia bin Sabah al-Kuwari, a professor of media at Qatar University, believes that Qatar TV is a source of inspiration and pride for the country since its inception in 1970, followed in 1973 by colour broadcast.
"It will remain in our heart with its beautiful memories that cannot be overlooked or forgotten. Qatar TV, throughout its long march, was able to host dozens of Qatari and Arab broadcasters, including Fawzi al-Khamis, Kawthar Matar, Abdul-Wahhab al-Mutawa, who improved the programmes."
About his contributions to Qatar TV, al-Kuwari said: “I had the honour to present a programme titled “Youth and Summer” in 1987, which served a wide range of young people, addressing their concerns and discussing their problems, as they were keen to express their dreams and aspirations.”
Artist, Faleh Fayez, confirmed that Qatar TV was, for many years, a single window through which artists looked at their audience. A single source for the public to receive information, before the spread of social media.
“Despite the change in the form of media and the spread of different platforms, Qatar TV remains the official trusted source with regard to local affairs, as it is the most capable of presenting and discussing issues that concern society.”
Dr Abdullah Faraj al-Marzouqi stressed that Qatar TV has played an important role locally, regionally and in the Arab world over many years. “On 15th August, 1970, viewers had a date with a new Arab TV that joined the list of channels to be an Arab and national media platform that reflects the continuous development of Qatar.
Al-Marzouqi confirmed that “15th August is a memory that every citizen is proud of. It is also a dear and precious occasion for everyone who lived on this land, especially those who watched Qatar TV since its inception and witnessed its development and its excellence a few years after its launch.”
“Although Qatar is a small country, it has proven that it has prestige and weight at the global level. Qatar TV was able, over many years, to transmit the great events in the best way."
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