HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim al-Thani chaired the Cabinet's regular meeting held Wednesday at its seat at the Amiri Diwan.
Following the meeting, HE Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs issued the following statement: The Cabinet considered the topics on its agenda as follows: First — Approval of a draft law amending some provisions of Law No. 9 of 1987 on Control and Regulation of Narcotic Drugs and Dangerous Psychotropic Substances (NDDPS) and referring it to the Shura Council.
Second — Approval of a draft Cabinet decision amending some provisions of Resolution No. 36 of 2014 regarding the establishment of the National Committee for the Customs Clearance System and Cross-Border Trade Facilitation.
Third — Approval of: 1- A draft decision by the Minister of State for Energy Affairs specifying the works to be implemented in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 4 of 2018 on Organising the Electricity and Water Service Connection, and the conditions and controls necessary in this regard.
2- A draft decision by the Chairman of the Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa) specifying the conditions and procedures for connecting electricity and water to buildings and facilities whose maximum demand exceeds 5MW of electricity and 600 cubic meters per day of water.
Fourth — Approval to host the 26th session of the Islamic Fiqh Academy in Doha during November 3-11, 2024.
Fifth — Approval of a draft sponsorship agreement regarding organising the 2023 Future Networked Car Symposium in Qatar.
Sixth — The Cabinet reviewed the following topics and took appropriate decisions in their regard: 1- Periodic report on hosting the Doha Horticultural Expo 2023 from October 2, 2023, to March 28, 2024.
2- The 55th report on the results of the work of the National Committee for Prohibition of Weapons from January 1 to April 30, 2023.
3- A report on the results of the participation in the Hannover Messe International Industrial Fair 2023 in Germany in April 2023.
4- A report on the results of the visit made by HE Minister of Social Development and Family to the Kingdom of Morocco in May 2023.
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