Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, honoured 13 students from Qatar Charity’s Qatar Training Centre on their winning distinguished positions in the International Science, Technology and Mathematics “STEM” Olympiad held in Paris.
The honour was made during the visit of the Kosova prime minister to the centre’s headquarters in the capital, Pristina, in the presence of HE Abdulaziz El sehli, Charge d’Affairs of the Embassy of Qatar in Albania and Kosovo, Nawaf al-Hammadi, assistant CEO of the Operations and International Development Sector at Qatar Charity, and Taulant Rizvanolli, deputy minister of education of Kosovo and Benjamin Chen, academic director of the STEM Foundation.
The Qatar Training Centre, affiliated with Qatar Charity, is the official representative of the State of Kosovo in the International Olympiad for STEM. The centre’s students have won 13 medals (six gold medals, four silver medals, and three bronze medals), as Kosovo is among the top countries in the world obtaining medals.
Kurti, praised the qualitative excellence of the students participating in the Olympics, stressed his support for them, and urged them to continue developing their potential. He also praised the efforts of the Qatar Training Centre that it made to get its students to the podium in this international competition.
Al-Hammadi, expressed his great happiness at the excellence of the students of the Qatar Training Centre in international competitions and promised to support the development of their capabilities in cooperation with the institutions in Kosovo.
El sehli, stressed Qatar's keenness to strengthen the bonds of constructive cooperation between Qatar and Kosovo, noting that "we will work hard to continue providing support for such efforts, especially Qatar's distinguished charitable projects in Education Field.
The Qatar Training Centre is considered one of the distinguished centers in the fields of education and training in the fields of languages, information technology, and management, and it is the agent and representative of Kosovo in the International STEM Olympiad competition.
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