Over 200 female and male students from a number of middle and high schools participated in the fifth edition of the Chemistry Festival organised by Qatar University’s (QU) American Chemical Society (Student Chapter) in co-operation with QU’s Career Guidance and Counselling and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.
The event aimed to encourage students’ interest in the field of chemistry, as well as introduce them to the university and the many specialisations available for them.
Students were able to conduct chemistry experiments and have hands-on experience, as well as participate in a variety of competitions.
In her opening speech, Prof Siham Alqaradawi, professor of Organic Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) said: “The Chemistry Festival is a significant event where professionals, professors, teachers and students gather and participate in activities aimed at demonstrating and emphasising the importance of chemistry in our daily lives.
“Qatar is making tremendous efforts and great investments in the field of STEAM, we are also working hard with them in this field to encourage students to enter scientific fields in general and chemistry in particular.”
Professor Mazen Khaled, professor at the department of chemistry and earth sciences CAS and head of the department pointed out the importance of empowering students in chemistry, as this specialisation is one of the disciplines currently in great demand in Qatar.
Ali Bukamal, student recruitment specialist at QU was on hand to deliver a presentation about QU and all its offerings, as well as answer student questions.